
Sustainable News

Read the newspaper columns about Sustainability written by Marcelo Bermudes to Imprensa ABC brazilian journal

Sustainability Scenario during 2020

The year of 2020 made Sustainability one of the most important elements for strategic level of companies, as well as […]

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Social impact investments

In recent times, the business concept has been modified as it is more linked to the type of positive impact […]

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United Kingdom Green Revolution

Having announced that the sale of new petrol (gasoline) and diesel cars will be banned from the UK by 2030, […]

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American elections: new climate

The importance of the American presidential election is undeniable when analyzed from the perspective of Sustainability. It is one of […]

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Food Waste

One of the biggest obstacles to the Sustainable Development, with no doubt is the problem related to using of the […]

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Smart Constructions

As the concept of Sustainable Development ihas been spread, new practices emerge in several areas and tend to be applied […]

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Looking at the the climate change in perspective, it will makes us think immediately about the frequent wildfires that plague […]

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Urban Rivers

The importance of water for our survival is unquestionable and every drop is precious. Our rivers are water bodies that […]

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The Duty of Social Inclusion

Without social inclusion, there is no Sustainable Development, considering the actions that promote access to justice and education, factors that […]

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Sustainable Fashion

Throughout history, clothes have brought habits, objects that are part of our daily lives and reflect a lot on the […]

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Biodiversity Protection

Expanding the way for people to see the most varied forms of life that exist on Earth is one of […]

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Agriculture and Sustainability

To think of agriculture as an activity that offends the environment, causes deforestation and climate change is somewhat simplistic in […]

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Smoking and its Social Environmental Impact

In the wake of issues related to environmental preservation, the impact caused by smoking can not be put aside, since […]

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Sustainbility and Futurism

Reflecting on the problems existing at the basic level of human life deserves all the attention. However, there is a […]

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Global Agenda, Protests and Equality

Three situations occurred in the year of 2020 make the Sustainability get highlighted:  the decision of  BlackRock, the world largest […]

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Souns of Sustainability

The perceptions about the natural, artificial, cultural and work dimensions are extremely important, considering that they belong to the environment. […]

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Sustainable Develpoment and Deceleration

With the social isolation that we are going throught during these pandemic days, there is a deceleration,  a slowdown process […]

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Informations and Perceptions

In the middle of last weeks’s turmoil of informations, to think about Sustainability in a way that does not detach […]

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Union between Sustainbility and Solidarity

During these troubled days when we are fighting COVID-19, solidarity movements reveal to the world the type of person who […]

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Sanitation and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Face the environmental  sanitation with due priority brings the most positive results in diverse areas of human kind activity, and […]

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Electric vehicle and its contributions

As we focus our attention on the climatic conditions of our world, there ain’t no doubt about the needs we […]

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Living Sustainability

There are demands in the society that overcome the cross borders and reflect common wishes of global community. The Sustainability […]

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Environmental Education

Nowadays, it becomes important to pay attention to the different nuances that involve the definition of the environment, taking into […]

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Sustainable Products

Considering the change in the  consumer’s attitude towards environmental issues, the demand for sustainable products is getting bigger, attracting  people […]

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Responsible Investment, the milestone of 2020

With the recognition of financial market on the importance of issues related to the climate matters as well as the […]

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Plastics: destination and alternatives

A “friend” that used to be so present in our daily tasks since the most simple thing to the very […]

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The Challenge of Urban Mobility

With the population increase in the large urban centers, it turns out to be important to note the growing concern […]

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Renewable Energy and Climate Change

Despite of the small yearly percentage growth (2.2% per year), renewable energies have been worldwide applied, mainly photovoltaics and wind, […]

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Social Impact and Consuption

The perception of consumers about the business activities have been turned into one of the most important propulsive energy of […]

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The Need of Waste Management

The way we live and how we treat our own objects since the very beginning, when they became needed until […]

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