
Sustainable News

Read the newspaper columns about Sustainability written by Marcelo Bermudes to Imprensa ABC brazilian journal

Invasion of Ukraine: Ecological Setback

The Russian invasion of Ukraine increases the degree of vulnerability in several sectors, including the environment. Unlike the 20th century, […]

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Time to Recalculate

The transformations that took place over two years in the middle of the health crisis brought a scenario of new […]

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A Look At India

As we focus on the challenges of Sustainable Development for the coming years, we must consider India as one of […]

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2022 Sustainability Trends

Different nuances make Sustainability a central issue on the world agenda in this new year. In this context, several topics […]

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2021: Efforts and Overcomings

Among the most important guidelines for Sustainability in 2021, vaccination against Covid-19, which has reached almost half of the world […]

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Expressive Works

Linking Sustainability to vanguard situations is something that happens frequently, considering that this concept is relatively new, no longer just […]

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What about our climate?

The importance of the Conference of Parts during the almost past 30 years is something that we can’t deny. COP […]

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Habits and Decisions

The possibility of converting the behaviors that came with the pandemic into habits divides opinions about the positive impacts on […]

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Inclusive Design

As international accessibility standards are discussed and facilitating techniques are disseminated, entrepreneurs awaken to the so-called inclusive design, realizing market […]

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COP26: Climatic changes

The world is looking forward to holding the biggest environmental event of the year to be held in november, in […]

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Water Crisis

Remembering the relevance of water resources only in times of scarcity is not a way of recognizing the weight of […]

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Big Projects

Even in the face of the global health crisis, large projects have been carried out and showed acceptance of ideas […]

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Green Books

Scientific reasoning exercises the possibilities of the world we will have, taking into account environmental factors that involve climatic variables, […]

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Degradation and Recovery

Human activity over the last few centuries leaves scars that show us environmental degradation, something to be noticed more easily […]

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Environmental Risks and Traditions

The traditions linked to the festivities bring the lightness of good relationships and harmony between people. However, the environmental risks […]

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Olympic Sustainability

The holding of the Tokyo Olympic Games symbolizes the world’s struggle against the current difficulties brought by the pandemic and, […]

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Environment Without Frontiers

Our governments took a long time to understand that the world has no frontiers when it comes to the environment, […]

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Energy and Evolution

The relevance of the use and generation of energy in the Sustainability area is given to the extent that the […]

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Humankind and The Earth

An assumption of Sustainability is the fact that it leaves to future generations a world that can satisfy their needs. […]

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Polarization and Unbalance

Despite the issues related to Sustainability being aspirations of the entire society, they are often placed as demands belonging to […]

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Day-to-day Prosperity

Everyday life has been changed in this long period of pandemic, a fact that brings new colors to people’s lives, […]

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Economy and Development

It is essential to understand that growing economically implies observing the way in which this occurs, to avoid middle term […]

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Searching for Peace

Observing the bases of Sustainability, we see the development of society and respect for future generations as non-negotiable assumptions, concepts […]

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Important Africa

Much is said about the most diverse regions of the planet and their importance for the environment and other aspects […]

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Means to an end

The use of harmful mechanisms to spread a politically correct posture is something that the population from all over the […]

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Who should we blame?

Environment is undoubtedly the theme that most drives the repercussion of opinions related to Sustainability. When talking about problems related […]

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Changes and Advances

There is still much to be done so that we can achieve the results we dream of in the Sustainability […]

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Knowledge enables Sustainability

Analysing the current difficulties with the view focused on the positive side, reminds us that we have an important topic […]

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Infrastrucure and Sustainability

The beginning of this decade is marked by a health crisis that forces the whole world to reflect about the […]

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2021: Climate, Biodiversity and Vaccine

In the wake of last year’s events, 2021 arrives with lots of expectations. Regarding climate issues, attentions are focused on […]

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