
Sustainable News

Read the newspaper columns about Sustainability written by Marcelo Bermudes to Imprensa ABC brazilian journal

Global South

Geopolitical nomenclatures are very common to summarize the directions of an agenda that, to a certain extent, places common items […]

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Ableism – Capacitism

Equality is a claim that comes into our current days in an imperative way, achieving a degree of exposure that […]

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Transformative Action

In April, the National Braille Day is celebrated, a method that allows the blind to be part of the world […]

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Global Warming

Limiting the acceleration of temperature increase so that it is preferably up to 1.5º C above the average of the […]

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Respect and Attitude

The community in different spheres has been pressured by instruments necessary for the existence of a change at the world […]

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Environment Disasters

It is not new that at this time of year several regions suffer from floods due to the occurrence of […]

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Group Potential

Rethinking the urban way of life on a large scale constitutes an environment towards Sustainable Development, admitting that many people […]

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Risk and Courage

Depending on the yearnings of a civilization, its development takes place, being linked to the postures that its members have […]

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2023 – Rationality

The year 2023 brings, in addition to challenges inherent to Sustainable Development, a path that shows a certain level of […]

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The economic branch within the concept of Sustainability is increasingly showing its influence. However, governance mechanisms emerge to curb distortions […]

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Improve and Evolve

Taking into account that we are living in a moment in which we are already able to notice understandings of […]

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Digital Accessibility

As the web spreads, the population absorbs the network more and more in their daily lives. Faced with this condition, […]

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We are 8 Billions

According to United Nations predictions, the world population will reach the 8 billion mark in November of this year, a […]

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Cleaning the House

Inside the house there is the world of the individual, a fact that imposes adequate treatment in relation to sanitary […]

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Influential Calendar

When we look at the delays resulting from the conflict on Ukrainian territory, we notice that the world scenario in […]

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More Human Life

Starting from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we will be able to trace a line of thought that exposes […]

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Charity and Sustainability: Partnerships

The partnership model adopted in the scope of Sustainability allows for vanguard action from different spheres of society, allowing each […]

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Outside The Box

One of the barriers to the implementation of actions aimed at Sustainability is the fact that many people look at […]

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Measuring the Consequences

One of the most important concepts in the environmental area is that of externalities, facts related to the action of […]

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Biodiversity Time

While issues related to the climate agenda have their importance settled, biodiversity stands out as an international priority. It is […]

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Shared Future

The word share has gained more space and notoriety since the beginning of the last decade, being one of the […]

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Will We Have Time?

Against the environmental guidelines, news emerged during the first half of this year that clash with recent international agreements, turning […]

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Place of Speech, Voice for the Inclusion

It is in the discussion environment that we have the so-called place of speech, an very famous expression in Brazil, […]

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Amazon World

In the week in which World Environment Day is celebrated, issues related to the Amazon continue with colossal proportions, attracting […]

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What are we going to be when grow up?

It is a consensus that growth at an economic level is essential for achieving Sustainable Development, opening space for us […]

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From Concept to Practice

Within Sustainability area, the realization of an idea goes through an arduous evaluation in which different actors move around, creating […]

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Contents and Intentions

The come and go of content on our mobile devices challenges our ability to know the difference between them, while […]

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Sustainability Dynamics

Something that is based on the solid foundations of the tripod formed by the social, environmental and economic aspects is […]

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Waters in march

At the same time with the World Water Day, celebrated on March 22, facts that have direct links with water […]

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Sustainbility Alarms

Sustainable Development in times of war requires a quick discernment of the damage done, as well as the damage caused […]

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