
Blue Zones and Sustainability

Normally, Sustainability in its most frequent dialogues tends to favor issues with a more environmental focus, ending up not bringing to light the relationship between the Sustainable Development Goals and measures that aim to put the population at another level of health and longevity.

When we put this item on our radar, we observed points that add up when we risk talking about smart cities, considering the dissemination of the concept of “blue zones”, a term coined by North American writer Dan Buettner to name the places where there is a greater expectation of life, with inhabitants who not only reach 100 years of age, but surpass this age.

Clearly, there is a desire to study these areas so that we can have regions like these implemented on a larger scale, so that such environments have the advancement of society 5.0 and achieve, in addition to long life, harmony with the environment, enabling a reduction in public spending on health.