
Influential Calendar

When we look at the delays resulting from the conflict on Ukrainian territory, we notice that the world scenario in 2022 does not that eco friendly, taking into account the environmental impacts that go beyond its borders.

Despite the world turning its attention to the World Cup, at the end of the year we will have events that will influence the environmental agenda. In this context that in Egypt, in November, COP 27 will address climate issues linked to the Paris Agreement. Not least, COP 15 will be held in Canada, where the focus will be on biodiversity, seeking to establish a set of global goals by 2040 to protect and restore nature.

In summary, when we place Sustainability at the center of international agendas, the task of keeping the unfolding of the great repercussion events on the radar becomes essential to achieve the desired results, bear in mind that the calendar still reserves dates of great influence for development, such as food security and the climate.