
Charity and Sustainability: Partnerships

The partnership model adopted in the scope of Sustainability allows for vanguard action from different spheres of society, allowing each one to make a difference in a world lacking in attitudes that do not wait for tomorrow.

Going through the goal of eliminating hunger, going to basic sanitation, the goals are clear and measurable to make a world that develops in an increasingly sustainable way. Rescuing attitudes with impactful slogans from decades ago such as “think globally and act locally” and correlating them with current guidelines, we can see a maturing of the area when we emphasize that the development of partnerships has become one of the objectives of this area.

Support for initiatives that carry out charitable actions focused on priorities such as food and technology brings diverse closer realities and makes the world more humanized, in the best meaning of the word, preparing our planet for new discoveries in a century that soon will be out of the initial steps.