
Place of Speech, Voice for the Inclusion

It is in the discussion environment that we have the so-called place of speech, an very famous expression in Brazil, closely linked to those with a strong positioning and that at some point, their arguments have more impact, as it is understood that such individuals lead the situation because they feel the pain of the problem addressed.

In general terms, those who can best describe pain are those who feel it, ensuring a voice for people who seek to communicate and warn about the consequences related to the topic under discussion, such as exclusions linked to negligence of the most diverse types, putting the subject under the perspective of those who suffer from such facts.

However, decisions that aim at high-level changes can achieve better results when technically-based interlocutors are heard, even when they have not suffered the burden of what is placed as a point of improvement, playing an important role in avoiding disadvantages when following paths aimed at correction, occupying an essential space in controversial issues of our time.