
Day-to-day Prosperity

Everyday life has been changed in this long period of pandemic, a fact that brings new colors to people’s lives, adding nuances to their daily lives, which are gradually incorporated into their routine. The high debit brought by the lack of face-to-face contact will be charged strongly after the social distancing period, but not all consequences are harmful.

Amid the negative panorama caused by the coronavirus, people rethink the use of time, reclassify the value attributed to things, revealing themselves to be creative and supportive of the social impact in their activities. Homes gradually change with the placement of vertical gardens, expansion of green spaces, not forgetting the concern with the destination of the waste generated and more conscious consumption.

In addition to realize the prosperity in some areas, we must emphasize that the pandemic has shown the convergence of Sustainable Development with the Global Health Security Agenda, a situation that tends to bring improvements at a humanitarian level in a preventive way.