
Sustainable News

Read the newspaper columns about Sustainability written by Marcelo Bermudes to Imprensa ABC brazilian journal

Revealing Governance

Being sensible and not randomly electing villains and heroes is one of the most important exercises to avoid behavioral traps, […]

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Space junk

Since the mid-1950s, we have been depositing trash in the planet’s orbit, with collisions between equipment launched into space, such […]

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Same Direction for Different Sides

With recent changes in the European political scenario, the rumor of a drop in prioritization of the environmental agenda gained […]

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Price and Value

Throughout the recent history of humanity, we exercised a connection with nature largely because of extractivism, a fact that was […]

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Environmental Trap

The environmental trap has been prepared for centuries and to a certain extent, even though we are aware of the […]

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Excluded and Climate Refugees

In the four corners of the world, different people are victims of climate change, being called climate refugees. It is […]

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Understanding ESG

The recent introduction of the acronym ESG, of English origin, which means environment, sustainability and governance, has brought to light […]

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As consumption increased from the end of the 18th century, undeniable advances were made to the way of human life, […]

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Leave No One Behind

Environmental challenges have been installed into our daily lives in order to move us to assume responsible consumption, even if […]

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Logic of Ecology

Ecology in nowadays world deserves focus with respect to its understanding as an important way of human thought. Within this […]

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Women in Sustainability

With the celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8th, within the context of this column we are curious to […]

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Ecological Agenda Today

Natural disasters can define the economic destiny of a country suddenly, having the capacity to cause the economy to be […]

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Human Nature

For a long time, humans treated nature as an infinite source of resources for their unlimited needs. The relationship between […]

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Regret and Reconstruction

Envisioning a future in harmony with the planet, with human life living in a healthy way with the climate, animals, […]

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Blue Zones and Sustainability

Normally, Sustainability in its most frequent dialogues tends to favor issues with a more environmental focus, ending up not bringing […]

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Society 5.0

Approaches related to Sustainability often call for a change in the behavior of those involved in decision-making in large projects […]

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COP28 – What is the status?

It is now in December 2023 that the Conference of the Parties (COP28) will be held in Dubai, United Arab […]

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Urban Heat Island

The effects of climate change, which previously arrived through news that to some extents were a distant reality, are now […]

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Green Jobs

The intertwining of market interests with the needs to achieve Sustainable Development tends to produce what is known as “green […]

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Sustainability and War

Two wars emerged in two years, bringing economic and humanitarian risks, also contributing to the worsening of environmental impacts in […]

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Asleep or Awake?

Unreasonable thoughts that try to dominate important agendas have taken over the scene in recent years, acting in a way […]

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In the same way as the environment, ecology is confused with Sustainability, some concepts and definitions show difficult ways of […]

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Water Stress

It is nothing new to talk about the scarcity of water in the world and the threat to life that […]

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Vices and Virtues

One of the most important premises of Sustainable Development is the fact that when we look at this area, we […]

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Conflict and Environment

The mediation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has attracted the attention of the world so that we have […]

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Demographic Alert

When we debug the recent results of the 2022 Brazilian demographic census, some signs are already able to alert us. […]

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Mobility in Perspective

The understanding of the improvement of urban mobility as being a recent demand of society is due to the migration […]

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Nowadays, news published regarding the environment is largely unpleasant, revealing a disconnection between discourse and practice by the authorities. In […]

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Net Zero

The global climate scenario attracts attention to the economic scene through opportunities for both developing and developed countries. Despite opposing […]

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What is worth?

One of the most difficult choices for a nation in this century is the fact of sacrificing or not its […]

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