
Renewable Energy and Climate Change

Despite of the small yearly percentage growth (2.2% per year), renewable energies have been worldwide applied, mainly photovoltaics and wind, which grow at a rate of 46.2% and 24.3% respectively, according to the International Energy Agency.

The use of rewable sources of energy have direct relation with the Sustainable Development Goals, a fact that has changed the way oil & gas companies have faced this matter, taking this issue as a business opportunity, not only as extractvism activity, assuring the better acceptance from the investors, searching for the reduction of the negative impact.

Therefore, it’s a common ground among everyone that opening our eyes to the consequences of choices we’ve made regarding the energy matrix, is the duty of every society in the face of the challenges of climate change. Our planet has been throught the energy transition moment, on which the commmunity search for changes in the practices we have, looking for the decreasing of the negative impacts of the production as weel as the use of fuels just like oil, gas and coal.