
Same Direction for Different Sides

With recent changes in the European political scenario, the rumor of a drop in prioritization of the environmental agenda gained repercussions. Given this, the confusion that the ecological issue causes when dividing currents of human thought is enormous, being one of the topics that should be most common to everyone, used as an instrument of separation with drastic consequences.

It is never too much to remember that this issue is global, mainly because it does not respect political-territorial division, affecting the entire planet. Regardless of the side, important points of view must be heard and considered in the direction that the exploitation of natural resources has taken. However, although we have different opinions, we must move towards sustainable development to guarantee a viable world for future generations.

In this way, the establishment of a “green agenda” does not occur through economic interests, but through the clear need to reduce climate change, damage to biodiversity, in addition to reviewing the consumption model.