
Ableism – Capacitism

Equality is a claim that comes into our current days in an imperative way, achieving a degree of exposure that is hardly achieved at any other time in society. In this scenario, the movement for the existence of a new Sustainable Development Goal, specific to this theme, which today is entitled “Accessibility for All”, begins to gain strength.

Considering this fact, we note that the effort towards an inclusive and egalitarian world is directly related to the fight against what is defined as Capacitism, discrimination against individuals with some type of disability, through various forms of insults and inappropriate treatment.

Such an agenda has had repercussions in the field of Sustainability and reveals a level of organization that is beginning to achieve highly representative results when compared to the not so distant past, achieving recognition in the public debate, assuring a place of speech for people who, until past years, were not even heard with the attention it deserves.