
2021: Efforts and Overcomings

Among the most important guidelines for Sustainability in 2021, vaccination against Covid-19, which has reached almost half of the world population so far, is positioned as an extremely important item with its direct impact on the economic recovery, an indispensable factor for us to obtain the Sustainable development.

We should emphasize the impact of technological advances on environmental and socioeconomic issues, placing the 5G auction in Brazil as something that tends to bring medium-term advances in agricultural production, in addition to allowing the development of smart cities, considering the spread of the Internet of Things.

Throughout the year, the discussion about climate change had great repercussions, reaching its peak with the COP26, dealing with controversial issues such as fossil fuels, as well as the zero-carbon economy, showing the countries that are truly committed to topics of extreme urgency that must have consequences in 2022.