
What about our climate?

The importance of the Conference of Parts during the almost past 30 years is something that we can’t deny. COP 26, conference that was held in Glasgow (United Kingdom) in partnership with Italy, shows that the world has a lot to be done towards faster actions be implemented to reach good numbers to achieve carbon neutral status.

When we analyse such event under an optimistic eye, we see the discussions being done and a bigger compromisse related to tropical forests, having Brazil accepted the target to end up the ilegal Amazon logging until the year of 2028. The commitment of more than 100 countries to reduce the methane in 30% until 2030 is something that deserves to be emphasized.

However, at this moment the world is experiencing an awakening regarding the urgency of climate issues, considering that there is still much to be done for a global energy transition that rapidly and significantly reduces the use of fossil fuels, in addition to other fundamental measures regarding the global warming.