
Water Stress

It is nothing new to talk about the scarcity of water in the world and the threat to life that this problem brings to planet Earth. Due to the recent history of environmental variables, we will increasingly hear the term “water stress”, considering this condition when the demand for the resource exceeds its supply, generating negative effects in areas such as sanitation and influencing agriculture and food security.

Issues such as water pollution and misuse, combined with the annual increase in consumption, as well as population, put the world on alert for a crisis that is taking hold and tends to impose a perspective that leads to the scarcity already experienced by North Africa and Middle East.

In this context, problems such as climate change generate expectations of transformations so that the lack of water does not devastate part of the 8 billion people that the planet is home to, and it is once again important to highlight that environmental problems do not respect borders, what is really important for the approach related to groundwater.