
The Duty of Social Inclusion

Without social inclusion, there is no Sustainable Development, considering the actions that promote access to justice and education, factors that contribute to the fight against poverty and when connected to public policies they turn into a a kind of everybody’s victory, creating proximity between social classes, races and genders.

When we talk about turning the society each time more inclusive, we admit the duty of improve the life of people that have special needs, spread education methods, and decrease the social vulnerability and put the equal opportunities topic to  center of deebate. There ain’t no doubt that it is a matter that has different ways to look at and put the social  prosperity increase as one the most relevant global issues that has beend discussed about.

The importance of being a society with objectives related to inclusion brings not only the economic aspect, but also provides decent health conditions for everyone to prevent and combat different types of diseases, problems that today plague the world population and deserve all the attention.