
Sustainable Development and the Internet of Things

The concept of the word “environment” pass through some aspects of life which are not only connected to environmental matter but brings for the human being the reality that makes him play the main role in view of his social actions as well as his economic life.

With bases on Sustainable Development our existence from now on depends directly on the matters involving solutions related to the Triple Bottom Line (People, Profit & Planet) that consider the social, environment and economic pillars. The occupation of the most different types of areas, from country sides to the big cities, is intrinsically connected to the methods used for maximizing and improving the places we use.

In the wake of this development, which from the next decade onwards will be extremely linked to the use of Internet of Things devices (IoT), comes the application of the practices related to the smart and sustainable cities, the rational use of water e and the responsible consumption. These itens and others from the “IoT” are in the line with the most of world objectives related to sustainable development, and there ain’t no doubt that will put humanity in better level of life.