
Informations and Perceptions

In the middle of last weeks’s turmoil of informations, to think about Sustainability in a way that does not detach itself from a reality that frights everyone of us is a task that challenges the whole area. Despite this point, related to the social and environmental issues, common sense tends not to supply your daily life topics that normally figure out in the breaking news like climatic matters, waters pollution as well as soil contamination.

The fact that we are all connected is something that deserves attention, it spontaneosly favours Sustainability, considering the sanitation difficulties and the global interconnection provided by technologies that will come into force by the Internet of Things (IoT).

Thus, sobriety must be kept in the face of what we have chosen as a priority agenda, considering the importance of urgent actions that must be taken in view of the severity of the coronavirus pandemic, remembering that new habits will be built from that moment on and that will provide contributions to the humankind development.