
Electric vehicle and its contributions

As we focus our attention on the climatic conditions of our world, there ain’t no doubt about the needs we have of getting ongoing actions expanded.

Therefore, the adoption of the electric car looks like a vehicle that will bring contributions that will be easily noted in the environment, taking into account the increased use of clean and renewable energies, supporting the transformations of cities into sustainable communities.

Considering the targets of reducing CO2 emissions in the Paris Agreement, obtain analysis about the energy matrix involved in our vehicles, it becomes something automatic to do.

The positive impact of the EV expansion is directly linked to indicators related to carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere.

Nowadays, half of the world’s population live in urban centers and in order to make the electric vehicle something that comes to help these high populated areas turn into smart cities, studies have been conducted to get over problems such as its range as well as  the recharge places which are related to the large scale adoption of the EV.