
Responsible Investment, the milestone of 2020

With the recognition of financial market on the importance of issues related to the climate matters as well as the social impacts brought by companies, the year of 2020 has started with a major milestone for the Sustainability

In the first fifteen days of the year, the most representative asset manager in the world, BlackRock, has issued a letter to the CEOs of companies, placing Sustainability at the center of their strategy, informing the market the focus of capital allocation in the coming years.

Consequently, issues related to governance, environment, and social aspects emerge as drivers for the decisions made by investors, leaving in the background the companies with revenues from thermal coal production and without commitment to the mentioned topics.

Highlighting the climate issue, this milestone makes the world more aligned with the Paris Agreement and with the Sustainable Development Goals that are part of the UN 2030 Agenda, with a concern for responsible investment being visible.